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Secondary school teacher
What is Sebastian Schumacher doing now?

Sebastian Schumacher studied biochemistry together with Tom in Düsseldorf and was with us at IBOC from 2009 to 2011. During his time at the institute he worked with rhamnosidases, but in the course of his PhD he decided to leave IBOC early and become a high school teacher for chemistry and biology. The challenge now was to master the transition from research to the world of education, since the teacher training system in Germany actually provides for an independent study of educational sciences. However, IBOC staff can read about how Basti was able to go from scientist to educator in the latest BOCipedia entry. Regardless of your personal interest in the teaching profession, Basti's profile should certainly be worth reading for everyone.

Dear Basti, we thank you very much for your detailed and honest report and wish you all the best for the future!

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