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Successful completion of the doctorate

Benedikt Baumer's doctoral defence took place on 19 February 2024. He began with a confident presentation that provided a comprehensive overview of his work and concluded with a very successful discussion. During his time at IBOC, Bene focussed on the use of ADHs in flow chemistry. In particular, he established an efficient cofactor recycling system in a closed-loop process. His work also resulted in two outstanding publications in cooperation with colleagues from the research centre. On a personal level, all his colleagues liked his cheerful, sociable nature and great team spirit. His wild taste in music and the recurring "Scooter Friday" in the lab will certainly remain in everyone's memory for a long time.
Benedikt has been working as an External Account Manager for Brenntag for a year now.

Dear Bene, we would like to congratulate you on your success and wish you all the best for the future.

Kategorie/n: BOC
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